Sep3, Deny-2.1


This has been quite a morning. I woke up earlier than necessary for today’s schedule, and after quiet time I had a very strong pull to turn on the computer, but didn’t know why. When I did so I had no idea what was going to come out, and was very surprised as I was writing what became Deny-2. After I wrote it I had serious doubts about what to do with it, and did not want to publish it except for sending it to a few close friends. I felt with some of it I was really putting myself out there, a target for some, which I didn’t want to do, maybe kind of like Peter. I wasn’t interested in any nasty things happening. While I was celebrating Mass today I felt  had a come to Jesus moment with the following:

  • Opening Prayer:  “O God, your word burns like a fire within us; grant us a bold and faithful spirit, that in your strength we may be unafraid to speak your word and follow where you lead”. 
  • Closing Prayer: “may it (Eucharist) strengthen your love in our hearts and inspire us to serve you in our brothers and sisters”.
  • First Reading from Jeremiah: “You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed”.
  • Second Reading from Romans: “be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect”.
  • Words of Consecration: “Given for you”.

Without getting into specifics, in military terms it seems the mission has changed. My focus has to be on the Commander’s Intent, and my situational awareness, how to accomplish the mission.

Either I believe or I don’t, either I mean Mychal’s Prayer, or I don’t.

So, here it is, whatever it is: Deny-2.0.