July 30, Pearl
In today’s Gospel Story (Matthew 13:44-52) Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven. He never tells us what the kingdom is, but gives examples of what the kingdom is like,…
In today’s Gospel Story (Matthew 13:44-52) Jesus talks about the kingdom of heaven. He never tells us what the kingdom is, but gives examples of what the kingdom is like,…
Jesus used parables to shock the people, and us, into a new way of thinking and seeing things. In todays Gospel Story (Mt 13:24-30), he tells the parable of the…
Today’s Gospel Story is the Parable of the Sower, the Seed, and the Soil. It’s worth remembering that Jesus used parables to startle the people out of their complacency and…
In today’s Gospel Story Jesus talks about God hiding things from the learned and clever and revealing them to “little ones”. When we prayerfully open ourselves to Jesus in the…
When we are open to the possibility, and are willing trust the Spirit, the Gospel Stories can speak to us in the setting of whatever is going on in our…
Today’s Gospel Story reminds us, among other things, that God is very close to us in everything. We don’t so much “find” God, we recognize God as having been close…
When we are open to the possibility, the Scriptures speak to us in the setting of what is going on in our life when we read or hear them, as…
On Trinity Sunday we celebrate our belief that God is Trinity, One God, Three Persons: Father, Son, Spirit. We see God the Father as the Creator, God the Son, Jesus,…
Todays’s Scripture Stories are of two occasions where Jesus and the Spirit came to the disciples. Besides telling us of what happened in the past, the Stories offer insight to…
In the Gospel Story for the Feast of the Ascension, Jesus tells his followers to “teach people to observe all that I have commanded you, and I am with you…