January 19, Cana

Today has several interesting Scripture passages. The Second (1 Cor 12:4-11) Reading tells us “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone . . . one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes.”. In the Gospel Story of Cana we hear “And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” And then, “His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” The Verse, “alleluia. God has called us through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ”. A call to live the Gospel.

The Cana Story is a story of change, the first of Jesus’ many “miracles”. He continued to grow in the awareness of who he was. Mary seemed to know before he did. When she asked him to help with the wine, he said, not my problem, my time has not yet come, I’m not ready for this. And Mary said to the staff, “Do whatever he tells you”. Seems she knew something. To me this Story is exciting. Mary knew her son. From his birth she “kept all this things in her heart”, pondering what they all meant. When the time came she knew.

As I look at my journey, and I don’t think it is that much different from everybody’s journey, except for the specifics all of us have, I recall the times I’ve said in one way or another, “not my problem, I’m not ready for this”. And somehow I got pushed into taking action of some sort. We’ve all been there in our own way many times, and this is how we have grown. On my journey I am most grateful for my Army service which pushed me in directions I never could even  have imagined, yet that became my way of life for 27+ years. Fortunately I am not the same young priest with all the answers who took the Oath in 1969. It was quite a journey. We all have had our own similar experiences.

I wonder if I’m having another one these days. As the Second Reading tells us, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone”. Those are “nice” words as long as they don’t disturb the way I see things from my own comfortable place. One of our basic beliefs is that each one of us is created in God’s image, meaning we are exactly as Abba is creating us to be. Who we are is a spiritual gift in the sense that who we are is how Abba is creating us, and wants us to be. What about the people in my life that I just don’t like for whatever reason? This is my problem, not theirs. They are reflecting Abba to me, so there is something Abba is trying to teach me. I’ve been hearing Mary say to me what she said to the waiters at Cana, “do whatever he tells you”. I don’t believe he is telling me to judge or condemn anyone, because when he was among us he didn’t judge or condemn anyone. He did condemn systems that cause people to suffer. Should I be doing this too?

“One and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes”. We all have different gifts, I don’t get to deny other peoples’ gift because they might make me feel uncomfortable, or I don’t Know or understand them and so I fear, judge, and condemn them, simply because of how they see themselves or who they love. These are good folks who want the same things all of us want, to be accepted and loved as Abba loves each of us, without any conditions. When they are in a relationship with each other, they show the same love other married couples show. I cannot tell any person who they are. If I try to do that, especially with a young person, I am causing them great harm. I have to let them tell me who they are. Nobody is created in my image and likeness, only in Abba’s. I do not have the right to stand between any person and Abba. Jesus welcomed everybody as they were, and so must I. I cannot say “not my problem”, because it’s not about me. It’s about trying to live the Gospel. I need to listen to Mary as she says, “do what ever he tells you”. I  am fortunate there are so many wonder people in my life. Every one of them, no matter how they see themselves or who they love, is a means of grace to me as I hope I might be to them. If I can unconditionally be open to the possibility of the Spirit in everybody, I am truly blessed.

Abba is not finished revealing himself, telling and showing us who he is. There is a lot about Abba being Abba that I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers, or even have all the questions as I keep coming to know Abba ever more and more, through some wonderful folks. This is an exciting journey if I allow myself to make it, kinda like riding on a roller coaster. At this point in my life I’m starting again to see things very differently, and in a deeply personal manner. “Do whatever he tells you.” It’s not always easy to hear what he is telling me. Folks are very free with their (often angrily expressed) opinions. I don’t think I’m looking to be comfortable, just to do what I’m being asked to do, if I can figure it out. My prayer has been along the lines of “may I welcome everything coming into my life today because it is of You”. And there has been a lot. I cannot exclude anyone from my trying to be open to Abba, and this is a tough one every day. I cannot tell anybody how to live. Meeting new and wonderful folks, getting to know long time friends better, reading some unexpected very good books, sharing in non-traditional worship services, coming to a new and friendly relationship with my heart and it’s difficult limitations, it’s been an exciting time for me. Everything seems  connected to my “heart attack in the car” experience even though I don’t remember what happened. I don’t know where I’m going these, but it is exciting and eye opening, definitely filled with joy. I wouldn’t change a thing. It seems the Jesus’ Gospel is happening a lot in what many see as unexpected places, whether some folks like it or not. Just sayin .  .  .