@ July, Hmmmm
When we are open to the possibility, and are willing trust the Spirit, the Gospel Stories can speak to us in the setting of whatever is going on in our…
When we are open to the possibility, and are willing trust the Spirit, the Gospel Stories can speak to us in the setting of whatever is going on in our…
Today’s Gospel Story reminds us, among other things, that God is very close to us in everything. We don’t so much “find” God, we recognize God as having been close…
When we are open to the possibility, the Scriptures speak to us in the setting of what is going on in our life when we read or hear them, as…
In the Gospel Story for the Feast of the Ascension, Jesus tells his followers to “teach people to observe all that I have commanded you, and I am with you…
In today’s Gospel Story Jesus tells us he is the gate for the sheep, and whoever enters through him will be saved. In the Psalm we pray, “The Lord is…
This morning at the gym the music system played a song that I’ve not heard in years, but at one time long ago was a memorable and impactful part of…
Some folks will get this, some won't. When we read the Story of Lazarus we have an idea of what happened 2000 years ago. When we slowly and prayerfully read…
In today’s Gospel Jesus flies in the face of Temple tradition and has a discussion with a Samaritan woman alone, just the two of them. It is good to remember…
In todays’s Gospel Story Jesus is transfigured and his disciples get to see the fullness of who he really is. While we know what the Story tells us about the…
In today’s Gospel Story Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, with what can it be seasoned?”. In the Alleluia we…