27 July, More Questions
Another question: what does it mean to follow Jesus? Is a person to follow Jesus as she/he is coming to know Him, or are they to follow a Jesus someone…
Another question: what does it mean to follow Jesus? Is a person to follow Jesus as she/he is coming to know Him, or are they to follow a Jesus someone…
There are some big questions surfacing these days about what it is to be a follower or disciple of Jesus, and what is the role of the church, or of…
In the Story Jesus “resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem” where, according to Luke’s perspective, he would be put to death for his unacceptable ideas. He invited several folks to…
In today’s Gospel (Luke 9:51-62) Jesus’ disciples are upset that some folks won’t treat them as they felt they should be treated, so they asked to call fire down upon…
In reaction to SCOTUS on DOMA and Prop 8, Cardinal Dolan, president of the NCCB said, "This is a tragic day for marriage and our nation". Archbishop Cordileone said, "the…
In the Gospel (Luke 9:18-24) Jesus asks, “who do people say I am”, and, “who do you say I am”. There is a difference between what we hear about Jesus…
I wish I knew what to make of Bishop Lennon’s latest move in refusing to let Bob Begin continue on as pastor of St Colman’s. I feel bothered, and perhaps…
Recently a local friend told me of her upcoming ordination to deacon in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, as well as her ordination to priesthood next year. She…
Then the is the church in the pews. It is in the parishes where the "good stuff" happens. The folks there aren’t involved in the hierarchal posturing and threats. For…
In today’s Gospel Story (John 20:19-31) the disciples had locked locked themselves in a room because they were afraid, and Jesus came to them. He said, “Peace be with you,…