1 October, Brothers2.0
These are my thoughts only as I try to cope with the current CLE situation, not an attempt to sway anyone. The polarization and anger that dominate our political, national,…
These are my thoughts only as I try to cope with the current CLE situation, not an attempt to sway anyone. The polarization and anger that dominate our political, national,…
Today’s Gospel Story is about two brothers and a vineyard. In the Alleluia Verse we hear, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me”. We listen…
Jesus told parables to jolt people into a new way of thinking, of seeing things. The Parable of the Landowner talks about the boundless mercy and generosity of God. Many…
Paradigms, how we see things, are very powerful. One example is how we see what Jesus refers to as the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of heaven. If we…
For a number of reasons the recent diocesan “Parish & School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity” bothers me. I just don’t like it. One big reason is…
The last 2 weeks have been a painful time for Catholics in the CLE with the issuing of Diocese’s “Parish & School Policy on Issues of Sexuality and Gender Identity”.…
In today’s Gospel Story (Mt 18:15-20) Jesus says, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst.” In the Psalm we pray, “If…
Perhaps some more thoughts on Jesus telling me to deny myself and take up my cross every day. In the Story Jesus had just told his disciples he would suffer…
Deny-2.1 This has been quite a morning. I woke up earlier than necessary for today’s schedule, and after quiet time I had a very strong pull to turn on the…
In today’s Gospel Story (My 16:21-27) Jesus says, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny themself, take up their cross and follow me”. What does he mean? What is…